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54 colleges / universities
288+ HS & communities    

506 individual rentals

"This is the type of documentary that everyone should see. It was a normal night that went horribly wrong. Imagine if they had the information that we now have. Talking with students after the showing proved one thing to me about this topic; they are listening.”

- Wellness Teacher

Clay Soper Memorial Fund, If They Had Known, Clay Soper Accidentally Died, Party Xanax Alcohol, Drug Prevention Documentary Program, Teen Partying Toxic Mix, Educate Youth Life-Saving, If They Had Known Program Toolkit, Documentary If They Had Know, Donate Clay's Memory

Format: Word Doc

Clay Soper Memorial Fund, If They Had Known, Clay Soper Accidentally Died, Party Xanax Alcohol, Drug Prevention Documentary Program, Teen Partying Toxic Mix, Educate Youth Life-Saving, If They Had Known Program Toolkit, Documentary If They Had Know, Donate Clay's Memory

Format: pdf

Format: pdf

Promotional Materials:

Our Documentary Program Toolkit includes guidelines on how to facilitate a viewing, conduct a dynamic post-viewing discussion and promotional materials. To access the materials click on the links below. 

Our goal is to educate our youth by starting a discussion among peers about the recreational misuse of prescription pills. Our Program Toolkit equips educators and organizations with the materials to start the conversation.

Clay Soper Memorial Fund, If They Had Known, Clay Soper Accidentally Died, Party Xanax Alcohol, Drug Prevention Documentary Program, Teen Partying Toxic Mix, Educate Youth Life-Saving, If They Had Known Program Toolkit, Documentary If They Had Know, Donate Clay's Memory
Clay Soper Memorial Fund, If They Had Known, Clay Soper Accidentally Died, Party Xanax Alcohol, Drug Prevention Documentary Program, Teen Partying Toxic Mix, Educate Youth Life-Saving, If They Had Known Program Toolkit, Documentary If They Had Know, Donate Clay's Memory
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